Ubirider works everyday to make the world of mobility simpler, improving quality of life by aligning the needs and interests of both travellers and mobility operators, making urban mobility smarter.
Magic Beans implemented and shared the knowledge of the solution in the Google Cloud Platform.
"...the foundations have been laid to start improving and modernizing the mobility app Pick."
Why Multi-Cloud and Magic Beans?
At Magic Beans we live and breathe Multi-cloud. From our foundation in 2017 we only have done Cloud professional services: hundreds of migrations from on-premise to the Cloud or among Clouds, hundreds of Modernization of Applications projects taking advantage of the new services and architectures available. And on top of that we provide a complete Managed Services to optimize Multi-Cloud operations. In a nutshell we are experts in move, modernize and manage.
We accompany clients, like Ubirider, in their digital transformation journey, analyzing the different options available in the global ecosystem of Cloud services and proposing the best alternative for each use case.
Business Challenges
Ubirider integrates Google Maps in their mobility application Pick, as well as other Google Cloud services. However, their main instance related to this project was in AWS, facing unnecessary intercloud costs.
Use Case & Solution
Magic Beans and Google Cloud worked along side Ubirider helping in the configuration and the migration of their AWS EC2 instance to a Google Cloud Compute Engine instancee, as well as sharing the knowledge and documentation of all the processes.
The Result
By migrating the instancee to Google Cloud Platform, intercloud associated costs were reduced and, in addition, the foundations have been laid to start improving and modernizing the mobility app Pick.
Ready to get started?
To learn more about how Google and Magic Beans can help your business, contact us at team@magicbeans.pt

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